
  • Transportation

    The Transportation Department moves Union Pacific’s locomotives and freight across the system safely and on time. This team is responsible for driving the trains from Point A to Point B. This position requires employees to work non-traditional hours with up to 150 miles of driving per day.

  • Transportation

    The Transportation Department moves Union Pacific’s locomotives and freight across the system safely and on time. This team is responsible for driving the trains from Point A to Point B. This position requires employees to work non-traditional hours with up to 150 miles of driving per day.

  • Transportation

    The Transportation Department moves Union Pacific’s locomotives and freight across the system safely and on time. This team is responsible for driving the trains from Point A to Point B. This position requires employees to work non-traditional hours with up to 150 miles of driving per day.

Search results for "". Page 1 of 1, Results 1 to 11 of 11
Title Location Job Level Sort ascending
Train Crew - Herington, KS
Train Crew - Herington, KS HERINGTON, KS, US, 66000 +1 more…
HERINGTON, KS, US, 66000 +1 more… Craft Professional
Train Crew - Portland, OR
Train Crew - Portland, OR PORTLAND, OR, US, 97208
PORTLAND, OR, US, 97208 Craft Professional
Intermodal Service Employee (Long Beach)
Intermodal Service Employee (Long Beach) LONG BEACH, CA, US, 90000
LONG BEACH, CA, US, 90000 Craft Professional
Train Crew - Salt Lake City, UT
Train Crew - Salt Lake City, UT SALT LAKE, UT, US, 84000
SALT LAKE, UT, US, 84000 Craft Professional
Train Crew - Dunsmuir, CA
Train Crew - Dunsmuir, CA DUNSMUIR, CA, US, 90000
DUNSMUIR, CA, US, 90000 Craft Professional
Train Crew - Las Vegas, NV
Train Crew - Las Vegas, NV LAS VEGAS, NV, US, 89000
LAS VEGAS, NV, US, 89000 Craft Professional
Train Crew - Seattle, WA
Train Crew - Seattle, WA SEATTLE, WA, US, 98000
SEATTLE, WA, US, 98000 Craft Professional
Train Crew - LaGrande, OR
Train Crew - LaGrande, OR LA GRANDE, OR, US, 97000
LA GRANDE, OR, US, 97000 Craft Professional
Train Crew - Green River, WY
Train Crew - Green River, WY GREEN RVR, WY, US, 82000 +1 more…
GREEN RVR, WY, US, 82000 +1 more… Craft Professional
Train Crew - Rawlins, WY
Train Crew - Rawlins, WY RAWLINS, WY, US, 82000
RAWLINS, WY, US, 82000 Craft Professional
Train Crew - Spokane, WA
Train Crew - Spokane, WA SPOKANE, WA, US, 98000
SPOKANE, WA, US, 98000 Craft Professional