I don't remember my previous employee ID. Do I need to know this if I apply?

ANSWER: To reapply for jobs with Union Pacific, you do not need to know your previous employee ID. However, if you are a previous employee, you must indicate this when applying. If you receive a job offer, your previous employee ID will be identified through your Social Security Number.

My application was eliminated saying that I was not eligible for re-hire, what does this mean?


Management roles: Union Pacific has a policy of not rehiring management employees who were terminated for cause, laid off through a Reduction in Force, received a settlement or severance package waiving future employment rights, or voluntarily started their retirement benefits. Other scenarios may also render one ineligible for rehire.

Craft Professional roles: Union Pacific does not rehire craft professional employees who were terminated for cause and the termination was upheld under the provisions of the Railway Labor Act, received a severance package waiving future employment rights, or voluntarily started their retirement benefits. Other scenarios may also result in ineligibility for rehire.

If I am rehired into a craft professional position, do I retain my old seniority?

ANSWER: When rehired to work for Union Pacific Railroad, former employees will not retain their old seniority date. Instead, they will be given a new seniority date.